What we do

Customized visitation counseling

We facilitate copulation between children and their non-caring parents. If necessary, we work evenings and weekends. If bridging is needed until another care provider can start, we offer flexible solutions. The duration of a program can vary from a few weeks to years, depending on the specific needs of the family. In some cases, the visitation plan has already been established, and we only support its implementation. In other cases, we take time in the intake phase to work with parents and the child to create a plan that focuses on the needs and well-being of the child. Intercourse sessions can take place at home as well as in our omgangshuis in Zaandam. But it is also possible at other locations, such as in a detention center, in a hospital or via video call.

Contact Recovery

It often happens that the contact between a non-custodial parent and the child is broken, making it necessary to build up contact step by step. Various interventions can be used here, such as system talks, mediation, treatment of a parent or a child.

Our primary goal is to successfully restore a child's contact with a non-custodial parent. Should it still not be desirable or possible, we analyze the reasons and come up with advice on what next steps to take. Our approach is based on customization, focusing on each family's unique needs and working together to achieve positive and lasting change.

Intercultural mental health care for the whole family

We offer treatment for problems that interfere with family life on a daily basis. These include anxiety, mood and trauma symptoms, learning difficulties, attention, concentration and adaptation problems.

In doing so, we use a wide range of treatments, such as cognitive - behavioral therapy, EMDR, schema therapy, system therapy, various treatments of learning disabilities, pharmacotherapy (always in addition to other treatments).

Is diagnostics needed? We have extensive experience with diagnostics and treatment of autism, ADHD, trauma and other disorders.
Our therapists come from various cultures and are fluent in several languages besides Dutch, such as Farsi, Arabic, Turkish, Russian, Somali, etc. We also perform diagnostics in various languages. Therefore, we hardly ever use interpreters. This ensures more efficient communication and more effective treatment.

Intensive outpatient emergency care

We offer emergency outpatient services to families as a last resort against out-of-home placement. During this process, our professionals provide intensive practical help to children and their parents to increase the child's safety. They also analyze what is needed for follow-up help. These are often short and very intensive trajectories, of up to two months (2x 30 days) where we visit the family several days a week to make a good assessment of the situation and possible commitment. The trajectory is completed with a report to the referrer with an explanatory analysis and a recommendation for follow-up care. Emergency assistance we can usually start within three days.

Omgangshuis: a safe place for meaningful contact

Sometimes it is difficult to have pleasant and safe contact between a child and a parent in the home situation. For example in case of a complex divorce, tensions or safety concerns. The omgangshuis offers a warm, neutral environment where parents and children can meet in peace.

Our spaces are specially designed to put children at ease and offer parents a familiar place for contact. With professional facilitators from HomeBase Care or other organizations who see to it that contact runs smoothly. Games, craft materials and other activities are available to make contact happen naturally.

We help parents move forward. The visitation home can be an intermediate step toward restoring trust and building your own visitation arrangement.

Our omgangshuis is located in Zaandam at Augustusbloemweg 4. There is free parking in front of the building. The family can be registered at HomeBase for the visitation counseling. However, the omgangshuis can also be rented by an organization that will supervise the visitation itself. Here you can find more information about prices and how to sign up.